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Pro Tuning License - Knowledgebase / Store, Sales and Shipping - EFILive Service Desk

Pro Tuning License

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The Pro Tuning License is not currently available for purchase.  When available, customers will need to sign a legal waiver prior to enabling this function.

Adding a Pro-Tuning license to EFILive DOES NOT / WILL NOT provide additional tuning parameters.  The same tuning parameters are available with or without a Pro Tuning license.

NOTE: The V7 software did not allow for the overlapping of User Defined Calibrations (*.cax files) with existing EFILive defined calibrations (*.calz files).  The Pro Tuning License did allow overlapping of these calibrations.  For V8 software, User Defined Calibrations (*.cax8 files) can be the same as calibrations defined by EFILive and other Cax8 files.  The Pro Tuning License is no longer required for this function.  For information on overlapping calibrations with*.cax8 files, please see Cax8 Files.

The features for the Pro Tuning License when it becomes available are:

  1. The ability to override the restriction that prevents overwriting a controller’s operating system with a non-compatible operating system from a different model-year.

     This feature is mainly suited to GM Gas controllers where a complex compatible operating system matrix exists to minimize the ability to corrupt or 'brick' an ECM during the flash process.  This same complexity does not exist for nearly all Diesel ECM's (except for the GM E98) because it is much easier to change operating systems without the risk of other areas of the ECM becoming corrupted due to incompatibility.  The exception to this is flashing the Allison TCM given the different factory hardware versions and factory software versions that exist.  EFILive is very confident that if a user was to flash a different OS into an Allison TCM (eg an A40 OS into a A41 TCM) in almost all cases the TCM would not function and would not be recoverable; which is also the case using GM dealer software.

EFILive technical support is provided to trouble shoot and resolve issues that occur when using the standard EFILive software with the existing safeguards in place. Technical support is not available if and when a controller has been rendered inoperative and or unrecoverable while using the software with a Pro Tuning License. 

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